American Heritage
- Do ONE of the following:
- Make a map of your area. Mark the points of historical interest. Show
your map in your classroom or troop meeting place. Tell about the points
of historical interest.
- Research an event of historical importance that took place in or near
your area. If possible, visit the place where the event took place. Tell
your class or troop about the event and its impact on local history.
Describe what it looked like then and now.
- Find out when, why, and how your town or neighborhood started. What
ethnic, national, or racial groups played a part? Find out how it has
changed over the past 50 years. Try to explain why.
- Do ONE of the following:
- Explain what is meant by the National Register of Historic Places.
Tell about any National Register properties in your area. Describe how a
property becomes eligible for listing.
- Find something in your area that seems to qualify for National
Register listing. Bring it to the attention of the Historic Preservation
Officer for your state. Assist him or her, in any way possible, to
nominate it for inclusion in the National Register.
- Choose ONE of the following; describe its adoption; tell about any changes
since its adoption:
- The flag
- The Pledge of Allegiance
- The seal
- The motto
- The national anthem
- Choose an event, a period, or a person from United States history that you
would like to know more about. Do FOUR of the following for the subject
- Read a biography, approved by your counselor, of the person chosen.
Tell some things you admire about the person. Tell some things you do
not admire. Explain why you think this person had made a good or a bad
contribution to America's heritage.
- Read about the subject in three sources. List the major points upon
which all agree. List areas of disagreement. Decide what source you
think is mostly true. Tell how you decided.
- Read a historical novel or see a television show, a play, or a movie
about your subject. Tell how true you think it was. Tell how it added to
your understanding of the subject.
- Select an important speech related to your subject and tell when and
why it was made. Read the speech to your class or troop. Then lead a
discussion about the effect it had at the time.
- Gather records of four songs that are related to your subject or be
able to sing or play them yourself. Play the records, or play or sing
the songs yourself, for your class or troop. Tell about each song.
- Collect copies of four cartoons about your subject or draw two in the
style of the period. Tell about the meaning of the cartoons.
- Collect copies of paintings about your subject. Show them to your
class or troop. Tell about them. Discuss their accuracy or symbolism.
- Collect copies of photographs about your subject. Show them to your
class or troop. Tell how they reflect the photographer's point of view.
- Build a model to show something about your subject. Show the model to
your class or troop. Tell about what it shows.
- Visit a historic site related to your subject. Tell your class or
troop about the visit. Tell how it has enlarged your view of the
- Make a time line for your subject. Tell how the main events on your
chart have affected life in America today.
- Do ONE of the following:
- Take an active part in a program about a historic event or person.
Report to your class or your troop about the program, the part you took,
and the subject.
- Pick an organization that is directly concerned with the preservation
or perpetuation of local, state, or national history. Talk with an
officer of the organization about its goals. Find out how you can help
meet these goals. Carry out a project that will help meet the goals.
- Set up a historic trail or walk in your area. Prepare a guidebook.
Include maps and related local history. Develop and carry out a plan to
bring your trail to the attention of your community.
All requirements taken from Boy Scout
Requirements, #33215E, revised 2002.
© 2002 Boy Scouts of America