- Explain and demonstrate the proper elements of a good motion picture.
- Visual storytelling
- Rhythm
- The 180-degree axis rule
- Camera movement
- Framing and composition of camera shots
- Lens selection
- Do the following:
- Tell the story you plan to film in a three- or four-paragraph
treatment. How does it read on paper?
- Prepare a storyboard for your motion picture. (This can be done with
rough sketches and stick figures.)
- Demonstrate the following motion picture shooting techniques:
- Using a tripod
- Panning a camera
- Framing a shot
- Selecting an angle
- Selecting proper lighting
- Handheld shooting
- Do ONE of the following, using motion picture shooting techniques, in
planning a program for your troop or school. Start with a treatment and
complete the requirement by presenting the program to the troop, patrol,
or class.
- Film or videotape a court of honor and show it to an audience.
- Create a mini-feature of your own design, using the techniques you
- Shoot a vignette that could be used to train a new Scout in a
Scouting skill.
- Do ONE of the following:
- Visit a film set or a television production studio and watch how
production work is done.
- Explain to your counselor the elements of the zoom lens and three
important parts.
- Explain the following jobs related to film or video production: director,
producer, cinematographer, key grip, gaffer, best boy, assistant camera
All requirements taken from Boy Scout
Requirements, #33215E, revised 2002.
© 2002 Boy Scouts of America