Landscape Architecture
- Describe the work of the following: landscape architect, landscape
contractor, nurseryman, and gardener.
- Make a drawing (1/8 inch equals 1 foot) of your home grounds. Show all
buildings such as the house, garage, and barn. (NOTE: If this is not
possible, make a drawing of a friend's yard.)
- Make a plan for these grounds. Change walks, drives, walls, fences,
and plantings as you wish.
- Show flow lines for drainage of surface water.
- On a tracing of the drawing, prepare a planting plan. Have at least two
kinds each of deciduous and evergreen trees and shrubs.
- Name 10 shrubs, 10 trees, 5 ground covers, 5 perennials, and 5 annuals
good for planting in your town. Describe their growth habits and soil and
climate needs.
- Tell the difference between evergreen and deciduous plants.
- Describe the difference between broadleaf and coniferous evergreen
plants. Name one of each.
- Tell the difference between perennials and annuals.
- Show how to read topographic maps. Explain the importance of good drainage
- Visit a well-landscaped yard, park, or building. Describe how the
landscape architect has helped it.
All requirements taken from Boy Scout Requirements, #33215E, revised
© 2002 Boy Scouts of America