- Tell what makes a good picture. Show your understanding of these as you
take pictures for requirement 2.
- Do the following:
- Take pictures illustrating at least eight of the following
picture-taking techniques. Use comparisons to illustrate your points.
- Camera steadiness.
- Rule of thirds.
- Level horizon.
- Moving in close-fill the frame.
- Framing.
- Direction of light-front, side, and backlighting.
- Quality of light-flat light, bright sunlight, and time of day.
- Point of view-eye level, high and low angle.
- Use of leading lines.
- Flash-proper range and reflective surfaces.
- Do one of the following, utilizing techniques of planning a photo
report. Start with planning cards; then do your photography and editing,
and complete the requirements by presenting your report in an organized
manner to your counselor.
- Expose a roll of print film and select 5 or 10 good pictures for
your picture story. Mount the pictures on a large art board or in a
photo album.
- Expose a roll of slide film and select 10 or more good slides to
tell your story.
- Explain how photographic film is processed and tell how black-and-white
prints are made, or process and print your own pictures and show your
counselor, explaining the steps you took.
- Do the following:
- Explain to your counselor the basic parts common to all cameras using
a diagram you prepared.
- Explain common photographic terms such as lens, shutter, viewfinder,
camera angle, exposure, negative, transparency, f-number, and planning
- Describe jobs in photography.
All requirements taken from Boy Scout Requirements, #33215E, revised
© 2002 Boy Scouts of America