- Do TWO of the following:
- Name the scale and track gauge for four model railroad gauges. Show
the correct way to clean and lubricate model train equipment.
- Draw to scale the layout of your own model railroad or one that could
be built in your home. Have point-to-point or loop with different
routings. Include a turnaround, a terminal, or a yard and a siding.
- Alone or with others, build a model railroad layout to include ballast
and scenery. Make connections from the power supply to the track and
accessories, if any.
- Build a scale model of a locomotive (with or without power) or make
two cars. (Kits with extra detail may be used.)
- Draw scale plans and build two accessories.
- Do the following:
- Explain how real electric and diesel locomotives develop power.
- Identify by model or picture six different kinds of railroad cars.
- Show two basic signals used either by color or configuration. Explain
the meaning of five whistle signals. Describe an emergency way to signal
a train to stop.
- Do ONE of the following:
- Name four departments of a railroad company. Describe what each does.
- Name and explain ten jobs in railroading. Tell which job interests you
most. Tell why.
- Explain six rules of safety to use aboard trains; on platforms; at
crossings; and around bridges, yards, and tunnels. Explain the use and
function of the "EOTD" or "FRED" now used in place of
- Explain the use of a timetable by making a written plan for a trip by rail
between two cities at least 500 miles apart. List the times of departure and
of arrival at your destination, the number of the train, and the service you
- Do ONE of the following:
- Visit a railroad museum or an operating model railroad and explain
what you saw.
- View a video showing the operation of a railroad, such as This Is
My Railroad or Association of American Railroads by Pentrax.
- Plan and take a rail trip of at least 25 miles. Buy your own ticket.
Read the timetables and footnotes correctly.
- Name three types of modern freight trains and explain why they are more
efficient than mixed freights.
All requirements taken from Boy Scout Requirements, #33215E, revised
© 2002 Boy Scouts of America